Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mass Effect 3

Possible spoilers...

I'm not going to go into this game with a huge review. If you played the first two games, this game is amazing. If not, you may feel a little left behind. ME3 is heavily story based and was a phenomenal game all the way through to the last 10 minutes. All the rumors of the ending falling short are of course true. Whether or not you believe in the indoctrination theory, plot holes still exist with this. I don't know if EA/Bioware will be able to put the band-aide on it even with DLC content. I was ready to start the whole game over and play through again before I hit the last 10 minutes of this game, then I thought "what's the point?" I would still have the same 3 ending choices no matter how many times I play through with different decisions or paragon/renegade.

I'm a little monotone with this review because, hey, I'm sad it's over and nothing felt complete for me. It would have been the best game of all time, and maybe it still is and I'm processing it. For those people who are all "I think you just don't understand the indoctrination theory" trust me, I do. During the whole earth scene I was called "Sir" as a FemShep, where they were so meticulous the entire game to address me as a female and approach me as a female, this tells me that the ending was rushed and incomplete.

Score before ending: 10
Score after ending: 8

Replay Value: 5

Multiplayer: 8

And thank you to whoever made this on to point out... WHERE THE HELL IS MY FINAL BOSS FIGHT???

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